Saturday, May 16, 2020

Marxism An Idea Developed By Karl Marx - 2210 Words

Gwyneth Lavery AP Literature Ms. Errico 12 September 2016 Marxism is an idea developed by Karl Marx, a nineteenth-century German philosopher. It explains the political, economic, and social relationship between the working class and those holding the means of production. In literature, Marxist criticism is used to find fault in a story s social hierarchy. Shakespeare’s King Lear takes place in England, presumably sometime in the eighth century. At this point in time, traditional absolute monarchies are present. Monarchs are given all of the ruling power, without question and without having to earn it. Below monarchs, in rank, are other lowery nobles and obviously the working class. It is needless to say that women in this setting are undoubtedly suppressed by males who have nearly all of the power. In King Lear, there are numerous incidents in which characters of lower class and status challenge the traditional monarchy to better their own placement in their community. However, every time an incident like this occurs, chaos always en sues and the character who stepped out of place is shamed. It is easy for the reader of King Lear to quickly judge such characters as impulsive, selfish, or evil. However, given the circumstances they are born into, their intentions are actually not very unreasonable when given some thought. Jane Smiley read King Lear and took a different view to the characters than most readers do. In response, she wrote A Thousand Acres and provided aShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Karl Marx769 Words   |  3 Pagespositively impact the world to be influential. Karl Marx certainly left a mark on the world, but whether his impact was revolutionary or simply detrimental is up to debate. Marx was largely influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment figures like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Hegel. 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